Monday, August 13, 2012


We are finally getting into a nice routine and everyone is working hard at learning the rules and being a good surfer (citizen).  Our class has a Tropical Surf theme this year and it has been fun making our classroom bright and cheery.  We have a set of class rules that we follow, but we also talked about what it would mean to be a good citizen.  I made this poster for our class and we refer back to it quite a bit.

I saw a Surf  Etiquette poster like this once when I was on the big island and I loved reading it then.  A colleague of mine sent me these rules and told me she had used them in her Surf Themed class as well.  It is a fun way to review how we need to all work together and be repectful of each other.

This week we celebrated our first class birthday!! It was perfect timing with the Birthday timeline that we created in class.

Everyone worked together to figure out where their cupcake went and who's would be placed on the timeline first.  I will have the timeline up for you to see during Open House.

Our children's birthdays are always a special time to celebrate. I know many parents want to bring in goodies to celebrate, but I ask that you keep it healthy and simple.  Please do not send goody bags, candy, cake, ice cream, noise makers, pinatas, etc...  A simple treat such as a small cupcake, or cookie is fine.  Our district has implemented a strict healthy food policy which discourages sugary foods at school.  We also have a student in our class this year with a nut allergy, so please be aware of the ingredients.  If in doubt please just ask me.

Don't forget Tuesday and Thursday are PE days so please have your child wear tennis shoes, and bring a water bottle.

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