Sunday, August 5, 2012

The First Week

Aloha everyone!! We made it through the first week of school and I hope your child had lots of fun.  We are taking things very slow as we learn the procedure and routines of our classroom.

I have had a few technical difficulties this week and was not able to send home our permission slip for class photos and volunteer forms.  I will send them home with Monday's homework.

This week we will begin our regular homework, Spelling and Math.  They will bring home their homework journal for Spelling and their Homework folder with their Math in it.  Please make sure you are checking their folder and initialing their Behavior Chart as well.

Let me explain our chart:)

Each day we come into class and everyone is on Green-Surf's Up Ready To Learn

When students complete work in a timely manner, show good behavior and a positive attitude they get to "Surf Up".  Each day they will color in their Behavior Chart so you will know what color they ended up on.  If they are on Yellow, Orange or Red please discuss with them what happened.  If a student end up on Red, most likely you will receive a call from me explaining why.

If a student ends up on purple-"Cowabunga" they had a fantastic day!  After earning 5 purples students will get their choice of a special prize such as lunch in the class, or sitting at the teacher's desk one afternoon;)

Thank you so much for all of the fruit donations on Friday.  The kids had a great time making Fruit Salad!

Most everyone had seconds and it was a nice healthy treat!  We talked about keeping our hands clean, not licking any fingers or knives, no sneezing on the food and good manners while eating.  We will have a class cookbook that will come home at the end of the year with all of the items we make this year.

I plan to post our classroom fun as much as possible, so don't forget to fill out the Photo permission form so I can include your child's picture. If not I will still post pictures, but your student will be in disguise:)


  1. Thank you so much for creating this blog mrs Gandara! It was fun reading through it with Sam. :)

    1. I am so glad you are reading through it together!!
